Dispatch of sina science and technology on April 24 afternoon message, sina science and technology learns solely, on global net Ma Xun of retail Ju Qingya (
Www.amazon.com) is being released 2009 after money signs up for first quarter, yamaxun Beisuosi sends Jeff of father, CEO believe all partner, chinese market, cloud calls computation in this correspondence waiting will be direction of prospective key investment.
It is this letter full text below.
Send each Yamaxun partner:
When global economy is here turbulent, we are grasped held fundamental way still has no a change. Modesty is careful, attention is long-term, the client is consummate. Pay close attention to long-term meeting to make we promote existing ability to try strange thing. It makes we realize innovation from inside failing repeatedly, it makes we are flounced off manacle, go exploring uncharted territory. If seek brief satisfaction merely - perhaps give commitment easily for this, you will fall very quickly after the person. And long-term development strategy is OK as consummate as the client concept bring out the best in each other. If we can discover customer demand, believing firmly this kind of demand further is significant and have endurance, so according to our practice, we can static heart exploration is old, the way that till find,settles. Can set out demand of comply with customer " converse job law " with " skill is oriented law " form bright contrast. "Skill is oriented law " use existing technology and ability to control business chance. "Skill is oriented " the person that talk says: "Are we good at doing X " " what can we still do through X? " this is truly a kind useful and the efficient commercial way on certain level. But, if the company is enmeshed,won't drive new mastery of a skill or technique of research and development forever hereat. Final, existing skill will be become yesterday chrysanthemum. Set out from customer demand converse job, often ask to we must acquire new capacity and try harden oneself, need not mind when stepping the first pace the sort of uncomfortable the feeling with awkwardness.
Kindle is we use customer demand " converse job law " a of this kind of basic method very good example. 4 years many before, we with respect to conception a distant view: In 60 seconds introversion the client is offerred any once published originally, the books that uses any languages. The client that we imagine at the outset experiences the service of requirement Kindle terminal unit and Kindle is united in wedlock cheek by jowl, without seam coupling to be together. Yamaxun never is designed before this or produce hardware equipment, but such doing should excel the tentative plan that changes us, in order to get used to the existing skill at that time, we invited a few outstanding hardware engineers to begin to learn new mastery of a skill or technique, we need to borrow this to be offerred for the reader in future serve better.
We see very gladly, the sale of Kindle has exceeded our most hopeful anticipation. Begin from Feburary 23, we begin to roll out Kindle2. Kindle2 has all character of the generation Kindle that client place loves, but thinner than generation Kindle, faster, clearer, have longer battery life, can store 1500 books. You are OK choose freely from inside more than 250 thousand kinds of the most welcome books, magazine, newspaper. Wireless transmitting is free, you can obtain the books that you want in the time that is less than 60 seconds. We already were received by tens of thousands the client feedback about Kindle mail, included in the mail of 26 % among them " LOVE(is had deep love for) " this word.
The client experiences element
In respect of our retail trade Wu, we are certain, what the client values is favourable price, rich product chooses, send conveniently quickly, and these demand will heal as the elapse of time hair is stable. We are unthinkable, in future 10 years, the client can want higher price, fewer choice, or slower transmissive. Be based on the understanding that can produce long-term effect to these elements just about, make we have confidence to increase the long-term investment that experiences a respect in these clients ceaselessly. The investment that we give now is sure to get rich and generous get one's own back in future.
Our price target depends on winning the client's credit, is not mere those who realize short-term profit is the biggest change. We regard the optimal way that gets gains of long-term and total profit as the price that is based on this one angle, regard our job as credo its. We may gain profit on single commodity finite, but we believe from beginning to end, be based on the consumer extended credit to Yamaxun, we will sell a more goods. Accordingly, we implement low strategy in whole product line. Stem from same reason, we will continue our free deliver goods serves invest in project, include Amazon Prime. Clients are hep and very astute, they can consider the totle drilling cost that includes freight inside when buying goods. In the past 12 the middle of a month, the service of free deliver goods that we provide the client have the aid of of world each district saves more than 800 million dollar in all.
Our versine annals not change ground is persistent at increasing type of merchandise- - add the option inside existing category, add new category. Since 2007, we add 28 new merchandise categories newly already. A business is rolled out from 2007 begin to maintain swift and violent growth all the time, let my exclaim ceaselessly, the shoemaker that it is us - Endless.com.
Quick and reliable it is very important to deserve to send to the client word. We rolled out Amazon Prime 2005. The absoluteness free deliver goods that the client needs every year to pay 79 dollars to be able to obtain two weather service only serves, also can pay 3.99 dollars to obtain 1 weather service service. We rolled out a new tripartite to sell a service Fulfillment By Amazon(FBA) 2007. FBA of have the aid of, in selling the home to set its reserve the global content in us to shed operation network, by our representing the client is undertaken choosing to the product, pack, send final client. FBA commodity applies to Amazon Prime and service of Super Saver Shipping likewise - the inventory goods that copy is like these commodity is him Yamaxun is same. From this, FBA raised a client to experience not only, and prompted the sale that sells the home. Only the four seasons was spent 2008, the work off selling the home that we use Fulfillment By Amazon for these more than 3 million commodity, came true consumer and those who sell the home is double win.
Careful defray
The considers object check path that we choose asks we must have an efficient cost structure. To partner people good news is, we see a lot of opportunities that improve this respect condition. We are searched everywhere (our everybody is in search) , we found what be weighed by Japanese manufacturer to be finally " Mu Da (Muda) " or the thing of Waste. I think it has the energy that makes a person fab. It has latent capacity very much - reach fixed productivity changeably for years, more effective, more high speed, more agile capital expenditure.
Our first finance goal remains utmost ground to develop long-term and free cash to flow, borrow this to win taller investment get one's own back. We will be in the network serves Yamaxun (market of tool of distributors of AWS) , tripartite, digital media, China, and the respect such as new merchandise category invests energetically. such, because we believe the investment of this kind of dimensions is very significant,be, can bring rich and generous redound for us undoubtedly.
In world each district, the person holds to magical, innovation, laborious Yamaxun all the time the client is consummate concept. I am as Yamaxun one of the group and feel proud. I should thank partner people the support to Yamaxun and encourage, thank you and us one case hand in hand before row. According to convention, enclose Yamaxun to sent the letter of partner 1997. Although be in,be full of change today, we hope to believe, what the thing of those constancy that we pay close attention to from beginning to end will let us is better tomorrow.
Jeffrey P. Bezos
Patriarch holds presiding apparitor concurrently
Yamaxun Inc.
In April 2009
Netizen comment
http://news.sina.com 2009年04月24日 03:55 北京新浪網
新浪科技訊 4月24日下午消息,新浪科技獨家獲悉,全球網上零售巨擎亞馬遜(www.amazon.com)在發布2009年第一季度財報之後,亞馬遜創始人、CEO傑夫•貝索斯致信全體股東,該信件中稱中國市場、雲計算等將是未來重點投入方向。
在此全球經濟動蕩之時,我們所秉持的基本做法依然未有改變。謙虛謹慎,關注長遠,顧客至上。關注長遠會使我們提升現有的能力並嘗試新鮮事物。它使我們從反復失敗中實現創新,它使我們掙脫束縛,去探索未知領域。若僅僅尋求短暫的滿意-或者為此輕易做出承諾,你將很快落於人後。而長期發展策略則可以與顧客至上的理念相得益彰。如果我們能夠發現顧客需求,併進一步確信這種需求是有意義而具有持久性的,那麼依照我們的做法,我們能夠靜心探索多年,直至找到解決之道。 可以將依從顧客需求出發“逆向工作法”與“技能導向法”形成鮮明對比。“技能導向法”使用現有技術和能力來駕馭商機。“技能導向”論者説: “我們擅長做X”“通過X我們還能做什麼?”這確是一種有用並且一定程度上有效的商業做法。但是,如果公司沉浸於此就永遠不會推動研發新技能。最終,現有的技能將成為昨日黃花。從顧客需求出發逆向工作,往往要求我們必須獲得新的能力並加以磨練,無需介意邁出第一步時的那種不舒服與尷尬的感覺。
我們十分欣喜地看到,Kindle的銷售已經超出我們最樂觀的預期。 自2月23日開始,我們開始推出Kindle2 。Kindle2擁有顧客所喜愛的一代Kindle的一切特性,但比一代Kindle更薄、更快,更清晰、擁有更長的電池壽命,並能儲存1500本圖書。您可以從超過25萬種最受歡迎的圖書、雜誌、報紙中自由選擇。無線傳輸是免費的,您可以在不到60秒的時間獲得您想要的圖書。我們已收到成千上萬顧客關於Kindle的反饋郵件,其中26 %的郵件中包含了“LOVE(熱愛)”這個詞。
我們的價格目標在於贏得顧客的信任,而不是僅僅實現短期利益的最大化。我們將基於這一角度的定價作為獲取長期總體利潤收益的最佳方式,並將其作為我們的工作信條。我們可能在單個商品上獲利有限,但我們始終相信,基於消費者對亞馬遜的長期信任,我們將賣出更多的商品。因此,我們在整個産品綫實行低價策略。出於同樣的原因,我們將繼續投資於我們的免費送貨服務項目,包括Amazon Prime。顧客們消息靈通並且十分精明,他們在購買商品時會考慮包括運費在內的總成本。在過去12個月中,世界各地的顧客借助我們所提供的免費送貨服務共節省超過8億美元。
我們正矢志不渝地執著於增加商品種類--增加現有類別內的選擇,並添加新的類別。自2007年以來,我們已新增28個新的商品類別。有一項業務自2007年推出開始一直保持迅猛增長,並不斷讓我驚嘆—它就是我們的鞋店- Endless.com。
快捷可靠的配送對顧客而言十分重要。 我們在2005年推出Amazon Prime。 顧客每年隻需支付79美元就能夠獲得兩天送達的無限制免費送貨服務,也可支付3.99美元獲得1天送達服務。我們在2007年推出一項新的第三方賣家服務Fulfillment by Amazon(FBA)。借助FBA ,賣家將其庫存放置在我們的全球物流運營網絡中,由我們代表客戶對産品進行挑選、包裝、並遞送給最終顧客。FBA商品同樣適用於Amazon Prime和Super Saver Shipping 服務-仿若這些商品是亞馬遜自己的庫存商品一樣。由此, FBA不僅提高了顧客體驗,而且推動了賣家的銷售。僅2008年第四季度,我們替這些使用Fulfillment by Amazon的賣家售出了超過300萬商品—實現了消費者和賣家的雙贏。
我們所選擇的顧客體驗之道要求我們必須有一個有效的成本結構。對股東們的好消息是,我們看到很多改善這方面情況的機會。我們到處尋找(我們每個人都在尋找) ,最後我們找到了被日本製造商稱之為“慕達(muda)”或waste的東西。我認為它有令人難以置信的活力。它很有潛力-多年可變及固定的生産率,更有效,更高速,更靈活的資本支出。
Jeffrey P. Bezos